Young Rotarian spreads HOPE in Atlanta, Georgia USA

I had a wonderful start to my morning with a FaceTime call with our very own young Rotarian and ‘PathofHopian’, Sagar Badve.

Sagar has been volunteering together with us in Path of Hope for many years. He is now on a Rotary Scholarship exchange in Atlanta, Georgia in the United States.  

Sagar is doing really well and is having a wonderful time, having great internships and having lots of amazing experiences such as a Wedding in Alabama this last weekend. He is off to New York soon.

He visits the Atlanta Rotary Club weekly. I have been kept updated by Bob Hope in that club on the great work Sagar is doing. Bob is very impressed with Sagar’s sharp mind and great networking abilities.

Here is a picture from our morning chat, I was still in bed so have blurred my pic a bit to not frighten you so early in the morning :)

 Have a wonderful day everyone and remember, if you have an opportunity to give someone a hand up to reach toward their dreams and goals, it brings so much joy and hope in ripples upon ripples….

 Yours in Rotary Service
