North Perth Rotary

Path of Hope Champions

Contact Bruno Fic CLICK LINK>>>

Contact Bruno Fic CLICK LINK>>>

Name:                        Bruno Fic

Club Position.            Membership Development.

Previous Positions:    Have been a President of the club on three occasions.

“I was first introduced to Path of Hope when I attended a Rotary  District Conference in Geraldton in 2018. Rebecca Tolstoy AM was a guest speaker at this conference. I was very impressed about what she spoke about and what Path of Hope was doing in the community. Subsequent to this I spoke to our club members about Path of Hope and that it was an organisation worthy of our support in some way. An opportunity arose with The Rotary Club of Kalamunda to stage Fundraising  events whereby Path of Hope would become a major beneficiary from the events. After a joint club meeting with the Kalamunda club, where Rebecca was the guest speaker, both clubs agreed that the two fundraising events that were being organised, Path of Hope would become the major beneficiary from both events.

The events were Opera at Twilight. The first event was held on the 16th November 2019 at Stirk Park in Kalamunda and the second followed a week later at Hyde Park on the 23rd November 2019. The events featured some very well known Australian opera performers and both events were very successful.

Both events were well attended with many favourable comments being received about the quality of the events. The Rotary Club of North Perth donated $3000.00 to Path of Hope from their event with the Rotary Club of Kalamunda donating a similar amount from their event.

The Rotary Club of North Perth looks forward to a continuing association with Path of Hope. I have now joined the committee to assist in organising the Path of Hope Gala Ball with the theme “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” at the Crown Towers on the 22nd May 2021.”


Name:                        Mark Crake

Club Position:            Club Secretary